Thursday 4 August 2011

Homemade Pasta with Semolina

I bought the Charmaine Solomon Family Recipes at a garage sale for $1 which is an excellent investment. Here is her homemade pasta with my 'near enough is good enough' twists:

250 g plain flour (I used OO flour)
80 g fine semolina
1 teas salt
3 eggs
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon water (without my glasses I read this as 1 tablespoon butter and used that instead).

I 'wazzed' this in a food processor for a few seconds but it was too crumbly. My eggs were rather small so I added another one. The moment it formed a ball, I took it out and cut it into four. I was a bit late for work so I put 2 of the 4 pieces of dough through the machine maybe 4 -6 times (not 8 as prescribed by Charmaine). I then wrapped the four bits in glad wrap, stuck it in the fridge and went to work.

That afternoon I got the already machined bits out, wrangled them through the machine a few more times, then turned them into linguine. The dough was dryer and stiffer than normal but not sticky - so very easy to work with - it didn't require extra flour.

The second two bits got put through the machine several times, and also turned into linguine with no apparent ill effects for not being worked the first time. I hung the bits over my clothes dryer until the next morning when I put them in a bag for future use.

The first lot was delicious and I'm hoping the second lot will be good too!

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